RRP/PRR: 13.9 billion euros in grants and 2.7 billion euros in loans until 2026.


Recovery and Resilience Plan.

Portugal’s Recovery and Resilience Plan provides for nationwide implementation of an innovative mechanism created directly by the EU. It amounts to approximately 13.9 billion euros in grants and 2.7 billion euros in loans and will remain in effect between 2021 and 2026.

The RRP or PRR aims to be an instrument that is capable of triggering structural transformation with strong reformist impact in its response to the effects of the pandemic crisis. Accordingly, it is organized into three structural dimensions: Resilience, Climate Transition, and Digital Transition.


EUR 13.9B


EUR 2.7B

Time Frame


How can we help you?

Our consultancy process begins by analysing your investment idea.
We will help you develop your investment plan and check eligibility for available incentive schemes.

Preparation of project investment plan

Help in defining the scope/framework of the investment idea.

Grant Advice

Our team identify the best suitable funding scheme for your investment project.

Grant Preparation

Preparation and submission of funding applications. 

Project Management

Project financing management support.

Other services.

Marketing & Sales

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Golden Visa

Portugal Golden Visa allows any investor to freely circulate and work in Europe.

Start UP Visa

StartUP Visa is a residence visa for entrepreneurs

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