In a bid to offset the effects of Brexit on the economy, Portugal is going to offer subsidised healthcare to UK tourists.

Portugal is considering offering British tourists subsidised post-Brexit healthcare in an effort to retain their custom in the Algarve, Lisbon and beyond. The country is mulling plans to replicate the medical cover British people receive under the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) as part of a raft of plans aimed at continuing to attract UK tourists.

The British are by far the largest International group of holidaymakers who head for the region’s sun-drenched beaches each year to escape the cold and rain in the winter months and enjoy the guaranteed sunshine in the summer.

“Portugal and the UK are the oldest allies in the world, and no matter what happens the Portuguese will stand by the British. The British traveller is very important to us,” said Rita Marques, the Portugal’s tourism minister.

The country is examining the possibility of a unilateral offer to ensure cover offered by the EHIC, the EU reciprocal system. It is not sure, however, if current arrangements can continue if a deal is not struck during this year’s trade talks.

“We are looking to guarantee this health cover next year. We are currently looking at how often it is used and if it is making a positive impact. We are in the process of testing this and the other ideas right now. If these are issues that are important to the British traveller, then we have to go for it. We are trying to minimise the disruption to British tourism,” she continued.

“The idea is you would pay the same as a Portuguese person, which is a small tax to see the GP or to visit a hospital,” Marques said, adding that it would involve agreements with both state and private hospitals.

Unlike the UK, many countries charge a set fee for GP and A&E visits. This co-payment would still apply to British tourists in Portugal where it costs between €14 (£11.70) and €18 for emergency medical service, and between €9 and €45 for a consultation with a GP or health centre.

Among the other measures Portugal were considering, said Marques, were dedicated passport lanes for British visitors, special arrangements to continue to recognise British driving licences and entry for British pets.

Around 2 million Britons visit Portugal each year with the Algarve being the Nº1 destination with 1.2 million tourists in 2019.


Sources: The Guardian, iNews, Essential Business, Portugal Resident