Applications are now open for the Sustainable Employment Commitment measure, which encourages the permanent hiring of the most vulnerable groups in the labor market and the entry of young people into the labor market with higher wages.
The Sustainable Employment Commitment (Compromisso Emprego Sustentável) measure provides for a set of increases in financial support for permanent hiring that can more than double the base value of support to companies (€5,318.40) and reach €11,434.56 per worker.
Companies that hire (contracts without an end date) can see the base value of the support increased in several ways:
- by hiring young people aged up to 35 years (25%) or people with disabilities (35%);
- if the salary is equal to or greater than 1,410€ (25% increase);
- if the company has collective labor regulation instruments (25%);
- or if the supported job is located in the interior of the country (25%). In the case of permanent employment of unemployed persons of the underrepresented sex in a given profession, the increase will be 30%.
- Companies will also be entitled to a refund of 50% of the Social Security contribution payable by the employer, in contracts supported under this measure (up to a maximum of €3,102.40).
By promoting the establishment of workers in the interior of the country, this measure accompanies other public policy instruments to reinforce territorial cohesion and support geographic mobility in the labor market and to promote greater demographic dynamism in the interior.
The Sustainable Employment Commitment Program has a value of 230 million to support the creation of permanent employment, with a strong focus on youth employment and a general improvement in wages. It expects to create 30 thousand jobs with permanent contracts.
Applications are made on the IEFP portal.