The ONTOCHAIN Open Call 3 is looking for innovators and researchers involved in research, development and application activities in the fields of Blockchain, Semantic Web, Ontology Engineering, Software Engineering, Cloud, Edge and Fog Computing, Ecosystem Economy, Smart Applications, Cryptography, Standardisation.
Through this open call, ONTOCHAIN will select:
- Up to 3 projects to complete the missing blocks of the ONTOCHAIN infrastructure
- Up to 11 projects to exploit the ONTOCHAIN infrastructure, for real life use cases, that cover real need of individuals in terms of trustworthy data/services exchange and trustworthy content handling, from various vertical domains/vital sectors of the European economy
Selected applicants for the ONTOCHAIN Open Call 3 will develop interoperable and sustainable applications that employ both Semantic Web and Blockchain concepts to enhance data quality aspects (high-level semantics, completeness, data uniqueness, timeliness, validity, integrity, privacy, consistency, assets trading and monetization, tokenomics principles, the use of application-level proofs and decentralised digital identities etc.) and the trustworthiness of data communication and handling processes. Applications should be able to build on top of software services of the ONTOCHAIN ecosystem, and should cover real needs of end users from various vertical domains/vital sectors of the European economy.
Financial support:
- Team of natural persons: €89,625
- Legal entity(ies): €119,500