«Pedidos de Registo de Auxílio» are open and allow companies to register their investment projects under Productive Innovation and Research & Development funding scheme.

«Pedidos de Registo de Auxílio» can be used by companies for the purpose of defining the beginning of the investment project. This type of registration called «Pedidos de Registo de Auxílio» allows companies to start their investment until the Calls are open. Companies can thus move towards making investments, taking advantage of market opportunities.

This aplications falls under Portugal 2020 Framework.

Scope for Productive Innovation Calls:

Companies seeking to either create or resize their industrial unit or facilities, to develop new products/services, or to increase their production capacity will be valid for these Notices.

Among the eligible expenses included, we emphasize:

  • Machines and equipment (as long as they are brand new);
  • Computer equipment and software;
  • Energy efficiency systems;
  • Construction and remodeling work;
  • other expenses.

Scope for Research and Development Calls:

An R&D+I project is a research, development and innovation assignment which involves activities of research and/or experimental development, which may lead to the creation of new products, processes and system or that may lead to significant improvement in existing products, processes or systems. An R&D+I project may be carried out with enterprises or between enterprises and scientific and technological institutions.

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