This programme is no longer available. It will be replaced by funding schemes under PRR/RPP or Portugal2030. Additional information will be posted as it becomes available.
MAR 2020
Mar 2020 aims to implement in Portugal the support measures under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (FEAMP) and its Strategic Priorities include:
Promote competitiveness based on innovation and knowledge.
Ensure the social and environmental economic sustainability of the fisheries and aquaculture sector, contribute to the good environmental status of the marine environment and promote the Integrated Maritime Policy.
Contribute to the development of coastal zones, increase employment and territorial cohesion, and increase the capacity and qualification of professionals in the sector.
The key priority areas that MAR 2020 will support are related to:
- promotion of aquaculture
- improvement of scientific knowledge and conservation of marine resources
- job creation
- marketing and processing of fishery and aquaculture products
- maritime surveillance and protection of the marine environment
- (7 ME) and technical assistance
Maximum Support per Project: 200,000 euros (500,000 euros for activities promoted by non-profit public entities).
The Blue Fund (Fundo Azul ) supports a range of projects under the following key themes:
• Boosting the development of the economy of the sea
Examples include the Creation of technological start-ups; Training, facilitation of SME access to finance, research, development and innovation; development of instruments for strengthening or financing equity or non-equity and risk-sharing; Protection and development of food security and school meals; Promotion of renewable energies.
• Supporting scientific and technological research
Examples include new lines of scientific and technological research; Technological development for the marine economy and biotechnology; Transfer of knowledge in the area of public policies and the economy of the sea; Applied research, in partnership with industry; Upgrading in the areas of research and technological development for the economy of the sea
• Encouraging protection and monitoring of the marine environment
Examples include; Ensuring the good environmental status of the public maritime environment; Prevention and control of pollution of the marine environment; Protection or restoration of marine ecosystems and biodiversity; Response to emergency situations to safeguard national maritime interests; Social awareness of the importance of the sea.
• Increasing maritime safety
Examples include; Training related to safety at sea; Investments or actions aimed at safeguarding human life at sea.